Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN
Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN
Progetto RISEN - Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN

Virtual reality for CSI training


Philip Engström, Bartłomiej Jankiewicz, Roberto Chirico, Johannes Peltola, Petri Honkamaa, et al.



The EU-funded project, Real-Time On-Site Forensic Trace Qualification (RISEN) aims to enable the use of advanced
sensors in the field in order to get results in near real-time. The project also aims to visualize the data by innovative means, such as in virtual reality (VR). The Swedish National Forensic Centre, NFC, has been developing methods for 3D modeling of crime scenes since 2016, and have conducted several studies in the use of VR for CSI application. This paper describes the status and possibilities with VR for CSI training and how the results from the RISEN project can be utilized within forensic training.

The European Commission's Cordis website

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883116.

For administrative and contractual information visit the European Commission's Cordis website.
